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Insurance products to
meet your specific needs


Whatever your stage in life, we can help you feel financially assured with a variety of insurance products to meet your specific needs – such as life insurance, business insurance, and many other types of protection.

Life Insurance 

Protection for your family and dependents requires proper planning.  We can help to ensure that they are well taken care of - providing funds for the family to pay outstanding debts, perhaps pay off the mortgage; provide income for the mortgage provide income for a period of readjustment; help to maintain your family's lifestyle, pay for living expenses, education cost.

Life insurance help preserve assets for your heirs (family business, real estate, farm property) by providing a source of funds which to pay capital gains tax; provide funds for heirs who are not receiving a part of the family property or business.

Needs for insurance

As we progress through life, our financial responsibilities and objectives change, as a result, our needs for insurance changes.  There are many reasons we may need the benefits of insurance as some time in our lives.

  • Immediate cash needs for funeral, and other final expenses; cash for debt liquidation, and emergencies.
  • Mortgage Fund:  to guarantee a home for our family that is their very own.
  • Educational Funds and Saving:  Use the cash which accumulates within certain life insurance plans to take advantage of opportunities when they arise.
  • Family Income:  To take care of the everyday living expenses which will continue for our families;  a monthly income to guarantee our spouse independence after the children have grown up.
  • Tax Shelter:  To take advantage of the tax deferred investment growth if some life insurance policies.
  • Disability Insurance: To provide income should we be unable to work due to an accident or illness.

Business Insurance

The Financial Future of You and Your Business

The success of any business relies on the talents and abilities of its owners, management, and the employees.  Continued success will rely upon retaining key employees, and effective business contingency planning.  And that is where we can help.

We can conduct an analysis of your company's security and incentive benefits programs, and provide answers to any, or all. of the following questions.

  • Estate Analysis - How can I ensure that my estate will have the necessary liquidity to meet outstanding debts and taxes in the future? 
  • Buy/Sell Agreement - What would happen to my business if a partner or co-owner dies or suffered a long-term disability? 
  • Key Person Insurance - How can I protect my business from the untimely loss ( death or disability) or a key employee? 
  • Business Load Insurance - How can I avoid burdening my family, associates, or business with commercial loan obligations? 
  • Deferred Tax Protection - How can I avoid ensure that my deferred income tax liability will be paid if I die or become disabled? 
  • Business Overhead Expense Protection - How can i make sure that my business' fixed monthly expenses will be paid if I become disable and unable to generate revenue? 
  • Employee Benefits - What about a basic benefits package for my employees? How can I provide Retirement Saving Plan for my employees?  Can i establish a straightforward pension plan to suit my business? 
  • Salary Continuation - In the event of disability, can I or an associate be guaranteed a salary without burdening the business? 

Taking care of the financial future of your business.


Synergy offers one-of-a-kind insurance coverage, combining three policies in one affordable and easy-to-manage package. Synergy’s unique design provides protection against life’s everyday risks: disability, critical illness and early death.

Suitable for your personal and business needs, Synergy allows you to protect your family against the financial impact of the unpredictable, everyday risks we all face.

Synergy provides solid insurance protection across three high risk areas at one affordable price. The convenience and simplicity of Synergy allow you to manage one policy with one amount to pay while you cover the need for three essential types of insurance.

The flexibility of Synergy gives you and your loved ones the ability to:

  • Help protect your income if you are unable to work
  • Provide mortgage and debt protection
  • Supplement gaps in group disability, critical illness and life insurance coverage
  • Protect your family against the financial impact of loss of income due to injury, illness and premature death.

For more information on Synergy, click here or please feel free to contact us.

*Synergy is sold by, and is a registered trademark of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company.


Are you protecting what’s most important?  Be sure. With InsureRight.

If something happened to you, you want to be certain you have the right coverage to protect your family, your lifestyle and everything you’ve worked hard to achieve. But there’s a lot to consider when buying insurance. What type of coverage is right for you? How much is enough?

With InsureRight, it’s simple to answer these questions. InsureRight will help outline what you need to consider so you can feel confident about the coverage you choose for your insurance needs. The InsureRight checklist is a great place to start. Begin with the step that’s right for you. And when you’re ready, visit InsureRight.ca for more tools that will help you take a closer look at your insurance needs.

For more information about InsureRight, please contact us.